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    • 2016-01-02 05:45:14

    Cevap : Doctor (Doktor):
    Being a doctor comes with a lot of responsibility. A doctor’s patients rely on their physician for the best medical help possible!
    There are lots of different kinds of doctors. General Practitioners, Family Doctors, and Pediatricians (doctors just-for-kids) are the types most people see on a regular basis for things like the flu, a fever, a check-up or physical, a vaccination, and other common needs. Other doctors specialize in specific health fields or particular body systems. Some examples of specialists include cardiologists (heart and blood), dermatologists (skin), allergists and immunologists (allergic reactions and immune system), neurologists (brain and nervous system), and internists (internal organs). There are also surgeons, whose specialty is performing operations!
    Not all doctors do the same thing every day. Some doctors work in an office, others in the hospital, and some in places you might not think of, like laboratories where they develop new medicines and research cures! Doctors see patients, run and interpret tests, prescribe medicines or treatments, talk to patients about how to stay healthy, respond to emergencies, and regularly read books and medical journals or take classes to keep their knowledge up-to-date! Most doctors work very long hours and have to be available for emergencies.

    Nurse (Hemşire):
    Nurses do a huge range of important things that help keep people healthy, make them better when they’re sick, and support patients and their families!
    Nurses work in lots of different places like hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, people’s homes, schools, camps, and more! Depending on where he or she works and the level of training they’ve had, a nurse can do a big variety of different things. Some nurses take temperatures, give shots, administer medicines, and check patients’ blood pressure and pulse. Other nurses might prescribe medications, order tests, and help diagnose a patient’s problem. There are nurses who assist doctors during surgery, and nurses who help deliver babies!
    Lots of nurses work closely with patients and families, helping them, supporting them, and educating them about things they need to know take care of their illnesses and stay healthy and happy!

    Teacher (Öğretmen):
    Teachers plan lessons, which means they spend time finding fun and interesting ways to introduce their students to new information and make sure they understand it. Teachers enjoy getting to know their students and figuring out how they learn best.
    Teachers also spend time grading papers, making tests, writing report cards and talking with their students’ parents to let them know how well their children are doing in class. By talking with parents, teachers can also learn more about their students and figure out the best way to help them if need be.
    Teachers meet with the grown-ups at their school, like the principal and other teachers. They share ideas and find new ways to make their school a great place.
    There are teachers for small children, teachers for elementary, middle and high school kids, and even teachers for college kids and grown-ups!

    Scientist (Bilimadamı):
    Scientists are people who try to figure out how the many different things in our world and our universe work. This includes scientists who study the biggest galaxies to those who study the tiniest atoms! Scientists use special methods to examine what they’re studying by proposing an explanation to a question or problem, collecting evidence and running tests, and then forming a conclusion based on the results!
    A scientist might work in a laboratory, out in nature, at a special office, as a professor, as a writer or journalist, and more! To answer puzzling questions, scientists might do everything from performing tests and collecting surveys to brainstorming and daydreaming! Scientists use all kinds of different tools for their jobs: Computers, telescopes, microscopes, rulers, thermometers, barometers, scales, beakers and test tubes, and much more!

    Farmer (Çiftçi):
    Some farmers raise animals like cows, chickens and fish. Other farmers raise plants like fruits, vegetables and grains. There are even farmers who grow plants for people to enjoy in their gardens! Farmers make a living by selling their plants, animals and animal products.
    Being a farmer is hard work! Farmers care for their animals by giving them food and water. They plant and harvest crops. They make sure their plants and animals stay healthy. They also take care of the machines that help them farm, like tractors and plows.

    Lawyer (Avukat):
    A lawyer is a person who has studied the law and is an expert in the way their country’s rules and government work. A lawyer’s job is to give people advice about the law and how it works, since the law can be very complicated!
    Many lawyers spend their time meeting with clients, preparing legal documents (like wills, contracts, and leases), and attending trials. At a trial, the lawyer represents his or her client and either defends the client against charges, or prosecutes (brings charges against) the accused. More than anything else, lawyers usually spend a lot of their time doing research! Because the law is constantly changing, lawyers must spend time staying up-to-date on information to give their clients the best advice possible!

    Police / Police Officer (Polis /Polis Memuru):
    The job of a Police Office is very important! Because law enforcement is needed all the time, Police Officers work during the night and on weekends and holidays. Some Police Officers spend their days patrolling on foot or in special vehicles, looking for any types of law violations, handing out tickets, and responding to emergencies. At other times, Police Officers work on investigations or make arrests. They also must write up reports and sometimes appear in court.
    Police work can be tense and dangerous. Police Officers must be attentive at all times so they can respond as needed in emergencies, and they must work in all kinds of weather conditions, too. To become a Police Officer, you usually must go through special training at a police academy to learn about things like law, investigations, and self-defense. Police Officers must pass exams to show fitness and need to have characteristics like honesty and good judgment to help them perform their difficult job!

    Electrical Engineer (Elektrik Mühendisi)
    Electrical engineers design new and better electronics. They also test equipment and solve problems. A project starts by deciding what the new electronics will do. Then, the engineer designs the circuits and other parts of the electronics. Engineers might draw their designs using a computer.
    Later, the engineers test their designs and make them better. Many projects don’t work at first. The engineers have to figure out why and then fix them.
    Electrical engineers work on many kinds of products. They might work on cars, robots, cell phone systems, the lighting and wiring in buildings, and radar and navigation systems.
    Some examples of high-tech projects that electrical and electronics engineers work on are global positioning systems that can pinpoint a car’s location, giant generators that can power entire cities, or a new design for an airplane’s electrical system.
    Engineers work in offices, labs, or industrial plants.

    Bus Driver (Otobüs Şoförü):
    The job of a bus driver goes beyond just steering the bus! There are lots of different bus drivers who drive different types of vehicles, from school buses to public transportation buses to tour buses and more!
    Bus drivers are responsible for the safety of their passengers, which can sometimes be as many as 100 people! Because of traffic and weather problems, the job of a bus driver can sometimes be difficult!

    Dentist (Diş Hekimi):
    Dentists care for their patients’ teeth by treating problems that exist and by giving patients the knowledge and tools they need to keep their teeth healthy in the future. For example, dentists remind their patients about the importance of brushing, flossing and eating foods that are tooth-friendly! A dentist examines the teeth, gums and mouth tissue of patients with help from equipment such as mouth mirrors and X-rays. Filling cavities, removing tooth decay, fitting patients with crowns and dentures, and pulling teeth when necessary are examples of the many duties of a dentist!

    Architect (Mimar):
    Architects design houses and buildings. They plan offices and apartments. They design schools, churches, and airport terminals. Their plans involve far more than a building’s looks. They must ensure that buildings are safe and strong and that they suit the needs of the people who use them.
    The architect and client first discuss what the client wants. The architect sometimes helps decide if a project would work at all or if it would harm the environment. The architect then creates drawings for the client to review. They may be involved in all stages of the construction of a building.
    If the ideas are OK, the architect draws up the final plans. These plans show how the building will look and how to build it. The drawings show the beams that hold up the building. They show the air-conditioner, furnace, and ventilating systems. The drawings show how the electricity and plumbing work. Architects used to use pencil and paper to draw their plan, but today most architects use computers. Architects generally work in comfortable conditions because they spend most of their time in offices. However, they spend some time at building sites to see how projects are going.
    Architects may feel stressed sometimes. Most architects work 40 hours a week, but they may need to work nights and weekends in order to meet deadlines.

    An astronaut is someone who is trained to operate or work aboard spacecraft. Many of these people work for government-sponsored space programs, although in the early 21st century, private firms began working in space as well. Astronauts are often figures of awe and admiration in their communities, and this adulation is well deserved; they endure grueling schedules and training programs for years before they are even allowed to go into space. They are also at the peak of physical fitness, and most are extremely intelligent.
    Astronaut specializes in space travel and exploration. An astronaut is put in to space, orbit in a satellite, on other planet or moon to carry out scientific experiments and observations.the result of his/her observation and experiment is sent to earth where we analyse the result.this helps us to know more about the earth, space, other planets, etc.

    Diğer Cevaplara Gözat
    Cevap Yaz Arama Yap


    • 2016-01-02 05:46:47

    Cevap : 1)
    Türkçe: Hemşire
    Bireyleri, hastalıklardan korunma yolları konusundabilgilendiren, beden veya ruh sağlığının bozulması halinde hekim tarafındanverilen tedaviyi uygulayan, hasta bakımını planlayan, uygulayan, denetleyen veizleyen kişidir.

    İngilizce: Nurse
    Individuals informed about the means of disease prevention,physical or mental health treatment given by the physician in case of adeterioration implements patient care plan, implement, oversee and monitor theperson.

    Türkçe: İşletmeci
    Otel, banka, sigorta, maden, reklamcılık gibi mal ve hizmetüreten işletmelerde üretim, yönetim, para kaynakları, muhasebe, satış,pazarlama konularında çalışan kişidir.

    İngilizce: operator
    Hotels, banks, insurance, mining, manufacturing enterprisesthat produce goods and services such as advertising, management, money,resources, accounting, sales and marketing person working in the fields.

    Türkçe: Öğretmen
    Çalıştığı eğitim kurumunda; öğrencilere eğitim ve öğretimteknikleri ile ilgili eğitim veren kişidir.

    İngilizce: Teacher
    Work education institution; students who gives training onteaching and learning techniques.

    Türkçe:Boya teknikeri
    Boya üretim işletmesinde, ürünün hammadde aşamasından,ambalajlama aşamasına gelinceye kadar ki sürecinde mühendisin gözetimi altındaçalışan kişidir.

    İngilizce: paint technician
    Paint production company, product, raw material stage tothe packaging stage of the process until the person who works under thesupervision of an engineer.

    Türkçe :Kasiyer
    Ticari kuruluşlarda mal ve hizmetlerin satışı karşılığındanakit parayı bir defada veya taksitler halinde alan ve kredi kartıyla yapılanödemelerde gerekli işlemleri gerçekleştiren, karşılığında fatura veya fiş verenkişidir.

    İngilizce: cashier
    Commercial premises for the sale of goods and services atone time or in installments with cash and credit card payments that performsthe necessary steps, in exchange for the person that invoice or receipt.

    Türkçe: Çocuk bakıcısı
    Okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında (anaokullarında, çocukyuvalarında ve kreşlerde) çocukların günlük bakımlarını yapan ve eğitimlerindeeğiticiye yardımcı olan kişidir.

    İngilizce: childminder
    Pre-school educational institutions (kindergartens,nurseries and kindergartens), children's day care and training of the trainersthat help people.

    Türkçe : Hakim
    Devlet ile birey arasındaki veya bireylerin kendiaralarındaki veya devletin iki idari birimi arasındaki anlaşmazlıkları ile kamudüzenini bozan suçlara ilişkin konuları, Anayasaya, kanunlara ve hukuk ilkelerine uygun olarakinceleyen,vicdani kanaatine göre ve bağımsız olarak karar veren kişidir.

    İngilizce: judge
    Between them, or between the state and the individual orindividuals in disputes between the administrative unit of the state with twoissues related to public order offenses distorting the Constitution, inaccordance with the laws and principles of law, viewing and independentlydecided by the person who is considered to be conscientious.

    Türkçe : Ütücü 
    Isıtılmış ütü ile giyim eşyası, tekstil ürünleri vbeşyaların ara ve son ütüleme işleminiyapan ve bu ürünleri şekillendirenkişidir.

    İngilizce: presser
    With heated ironing clothing, textiles and so onintermediate and final goods and products shaping the person who is engaged inthe process of ironing.

    Herhangi bir mal veya hizmeti çeşitli özellikleri iletanıtarak kişilerin etkilenmelerine ve satın almaya istekli hale gelmelerineçalışan kişidir.

    İngilizce: advertiser
    With the introduction of various features of any product orservice people are willing to buy them to become damage and working people.

    Türkçe:Makine Mühendisi
    Her türlü mekanik sistemin, makinenin, makine elemanlarınınbelirli kriterler çerçevesinde tasarımını yapan, geliştiren, üretiminiplanlayan, üretim teknolojilerini geliştiren, sistemler arası ilişki vefonksiyonları kuran, geçerli fiziksel kurallar içinde test eden kişidir.

    İngilizce: mechanical engineer
    All kinds of mechanical system of the machine, the designof machine elements under certain criteria, develop production plans,developing production technologies, systems and functions of the establishedrelationship between the current test is the person who physically within therules.

    Herhangi bir şekilde haberdar olduğu suçlara bizzat veyaemniyet kuvvetleri yardımıyla el koyup, lehte veya aleyhte tüm delilleritoplayarak olay hakkında kamu davası açıp açmamaya karar veren, açılan kamudavalarında iddia makamını temsil eden, adli görevleri yanında idari görevleride bulunan kamu görevlisidir.

    İngilizce: public prosecutor
    Is aware of the crimes in any way, directly or with thehelp of the safety forces confiscated, collecting all the evidence for oragainst the public about the event that you decide not to open proceedings,prosecution opened in civil cases, representing the administrative tasks inaddition to the judicial functions of the public officer.

    Bireylerin birbirleriyle ve devletle ilişkilerinde ortayaçıkan anlaşmazlıklarda hukuki bilgisine başvurulan ve bireyleri ilgiliyerlerde, özellikle mahkemelerde temsil eden ve haklarını savunan kişidir.

    İngilzice: Lawyer
    Disputes arising out of legal relationships amongindividuals and the state and individuals referenced in the relevantinformation, especially in defending the rights of the person representing thecourts.

    Türkçe Dalgıç
    Gemilerin, yüzer dok gibi motorsuz yük taşıtlarının ve liman gibi yapıların su altında kalan kısımlarının yapım veya onarım çalışmalarını yapan, batıkların çıkartılması ve her türlü arama ve kurtarma faaliyetlerinde bulunan, sualtı fotoğrafçılığı ve video çekimi yapan kişidir.

    İngilizce Diver
    Ships, floating dock and harbor structures such asvehicles, such as non-load the remaining parts of the construction or repairwork under the water, making removal and all kinds of shipwrecks in search andrescue operations, underwater photography and video capture, a person who.

    Türkçe: Psikolog
    İnsan ve hayvan davranışlarının yapı ve süreçlerini, gözlemve deney gibi bilimsel yöntemleri kullanarak inceleyen, davranışbozukluklarının ve gelişim sorunlarının teşhis ve tedavisi yönündefaaliyetlerde bulunan kişidir.

    İngilizce: psychologist
    Structures and processes of human and animal behavior,using scientific methods such as observation and experiment that examines thediagnosis and treatment of behavioral disorders and developmental problems inactivities that person.

    Kesme çiçek ve iç mekan süs bitkilerinin temini,düzenlenmesi, sunumu ve satışına ilişkin işlemleri yapan kişidir.

    İngilizce: florist
    Supply of cut flowers and indoor ornamental plants,organization, presentation and engaged in transactions for the sale person.

    Türkçe : Kimyager
    Maddelerin kimyasal nitelikleri, molekül yapıları vebunların ne şekilde değiştirilebileceği ve her cins kimyasal örneğin analizikonusunda çalışmalar yapan kişidir. 

    İngilizce: chemist
    Chemical properties of substances, molecular structures,and how they can be changed, and all kinds of studies on the chemical analysisof a person who, for example.

    Türkçe: Tıp sekreteri
    Sağlık hizmetlerinin verildiği kamu ve özel sağlıkkuruluşları, doktor muayenehaneleri vb. yerlerde sekreterlik görevini yerine getirenkişidir

    İngilizce: Medical secretary
    Health services are provided in public and private healthfacilities, doctor's offices and so on. Where is the person who acts assecretary

    Doktorlarca düzenlenen reçetelerde yer alan hazır ilaçlarımüşteriye satan, hazırlanması gerekli ilaçları hazırlayan, laboratuarda,ilaçların geliştirilmesi ve analiziyle ilgili araştırmalar yapan kişidir.

    İngilizce: pharmacist
    Doctors prescribed the drugs to customers in theready-selling, preparing medications to be prepared in the laboratory, is theperson who is carrying out research on and analysis of the development ofdrugs.

    Türkçe: Kuyumcu
    Kuyumculuk, değerli maden ve taşlardan takı ve süs eşyasıyapma sanatıdır. Kuyumcu ise; tüketici isteklerini ve kullanım alanlarınıdikkate alarak tasarım yapan, altın, gümüş gibi kıymetli metal ve alaşımlarıeriterek döküm yapan, plaka veya tel haline getirildikten sonra, işleyerekziynet eşyası meydana getiren kişidir.

    İngilizce: Jeweler
    Jewelry, precious metals and stones, the art of makingjewelry and ornaments. If the jeweler, engaged in the design, taking intoaccount consumer demands and uses of gold, silver, precious metals and alloys,such as the melting casting, plate or wire is turned into jewelery processesthat make up the person.

    Türkçe: Fizikçi
    Maddenin ve enerjinin yapısını, birbirleriyle etkileşiminiaraştıran, evrendeki fiziksel olayların bağlı olduğu yasaları bulmaya çalışankişidir.

    İngilizce: physicist
    The structure of matter and energy, the interactioninvestigating the laws of the universe, trying to find someone who is connectedto physical events.
    Cevap Yaz Arama Yap


    • 2016-12-10 11:32:17

    Cevap : THEOLOGY”? (*) Summary In this study “theology”as a science and historical adventure produced by this process will be discussed later in modern Turkey, the theology of what level of knowledge is developed in a form which is used to enrolls that are addressed with strategies and practical manifestations. The study highlights research that is usually away from a wealth of modern theological ilahiyatcilig, and invites readers to discuss the reason for this. Key words: theology-theology, Theological Seminary, Orthodox, modernity As a discipline, “theology”means in the question of what in Turkey is not a matter of standing on enough of religious disputants. Thus, the methodological problems of theology an in-depth level could not be handled, since as mentioned, all of this aroused enough interest. Contrary, every time discussed in the Turkish context, theology, or modern that complements the theme of the secularism of the Republic is defined as a functional device, or a unique reverse-face insert with a field in fueling radicalism is regarded as the attempt to open the program from source. Thus theology, as a modern Republic, the Divine/cosmic expansion is being encoded and in practice, a typical feature that allows you to send him in the secular fields and underline. Eventually the pursuit of theology is viewed with suspicion in many ways. All this theology faculties of theology, politics formed around a presentation that is very popular when it is added to the concept are becoming more and more vague. Finally, the specificity of the field of theology, issues such as autonomy, academic units, taken on the axis of concrete, a very difficult concept to define. Here reference to theology theology produced by theologians at the institutional level information-in the sense that we must distinguish between science ilahiyatcilig. The siege in one daily political establishment in the other wound on an intellectual level when it comes to seeking a unique real-political discourse that hovers in the network is a science. The current structure of Turkey's theology mentioned above, sometimes the primary factor in the formation of the chaos at the position when all these conditions most affected are sometimes noteworthy for having a vision, that is. Aktay, emphasis on the typical characteristics of this tension in his work (1999: 219-229), leads to a discussion of the current state of ilahiyatcilig. However, on the basis of the Faculty of theology to develop a definite opinion on this subject, to make an estimation, taking into account the diversity of existing ilahiyatcilig it does not seem possible at all. We here in general theology (theology), will talk about the historical reality of today's emphasis on theology as it is in this historical accumulation and persistently ilahiyatcilig that are always remembered what he did I will try to catch up with their counterparts in the modern Republic. Theology / Theology If you need to make a general summarization divinity (theology), is a field of thought, and religious description of the universe, God or associated with him in the mental-based adhering that performs an intellectual activity. Through theology, a faith in any God, it is intended to be interpreted in a way consistent and meaningful. Even by advancing this purpose, religious beliefs, actions and experiences, especially relationships with the people of God and the universe is made coherent based on a fictional level. Thus based on transferring divine revelation, immutable, eternal, or there is questioning of what is the relationship between the physical world with the ideal world of God's essence, existence and in the language of everyday life will is trying to ifadelendirilm. Theology has an important contribution in ensuring intellectual development as much as it is cultural. Theology, only with the premise of love, and the Holy or esoteric area not being limited to, any dealing with the earthly realm by this contribution produces. Theology is essentially separate from everyday life, the religious life within a framework that allows only limited to a field of thought, it cannot be argued that to be addressed. In the final analysis, a theology that reaches into areas of specialty or religion should be regarded as human interference. A theology of times, God incorporates to consider when looking from within a certain tradition. Religious beliefs and its sub-systems are also examined from this context. This systematic effort of theology, him from time to time, will have to defend a religion that brings-to-face discussions. Already requested from theology, a God-centered universe is to be akilcilastirilm, and this way to describe. Belief of the area given the socio-political conditions in or on top of the other one for legitimatizing belief in order for it to be different and eklemleneb a consistent interpretation of all intellectual efforts can be asked to be mobilized. Thus, theology, the beliefs of particular propositions based on a belief consistent with the rest of the language possible to bring current based on the belief that God and the universe to explain, reason, logic, and the relationship with other spiritual processes is introduced. To Request The Help Of The Mind The rational discourse of God-mind and comments that could lead to a presentation of theology, historical/religious obliges the buildup to be associated with. Even Theology, tends to spread religious mind of the everyday social anxiety, in the face of stresses and deflection, it is possible to be seen in this context also taking a legitimation tool. However, since such a bond is created between the mind and God that enlightened the tension, it was often considered unacceptable. Moreover, even in its relations to theology and philosophy, always a paradox was examined (Arkoun, 1999: 101). Often repeated, as a system of thought, in terms of being a form of expression against a source of theological authority at all times has to be responsible. In contrast, a philosophy, a mind that is free of claims to self-awareness the evidence base over time. Despite this basic distinction between philosophy itself, the divinity, the many problems that is shared with him, and again has chosen the approach through the mind. From another perspective, for example, the problems of theology in a secular context of contemporary philosophy, it is seen that the debate will continue. In fact, God and religion, the attempt to defend by requesting the help of the mind can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. Indeed, in ancient Greece theology was used in the sense of theology as it is today. In Greek theos, God, and logos, science meant. Even the theology of Plato and Aristotle it is known that De identify with mythology. For example, Hesiod and Homer, delphoi the priests, and the scribes of the cult of the emperor in Rome, they were one of the servants. Because Theology, in this period, the gods to witness, and to spread the principles of faith and faith in them to declare it was a tool for the teacher (Britannica, 1988: XI/516). The concept of theology, Christianity has experienced significant deterioration in terms of the philosophical quest. Even religious belief, which viewed theology as a rational discipline for understanding is inherent in the essence of secrets, especially peculiar to think that Christianity is more suited to. In the Christian world away even though you have installed different meanings of the concept known since the contents and the basic criteria has not changed. Usually God is known in relation to philosophical/intellectual effort evaluated as the theology of Christianity, historical social tides of faith in unbelievers and heretics in the face of re-definition which precedes mental activity to understand the effort and has become synonymous with deep. Irrational elements in Christianity as a belief that the place is loaded with space, of course, every time a rational explanation is needed. For this reason, the Prophet. The life of Jesus, the personality, mission and divine message in Christianity that is based on theology, in the early stages, even under the present circumstances, the weight of the Hellenistic and restrictions a comment has been forced to get in touch. Thus, the creation, the Trinity and the teachings of the Prophet. The formation of the dogma of the dual nature of Jesus, coupled with the need for this direction to eliminate the problems of the doctrine in Christian theology the main titles also has begun to emerge[1]. Medieval scholastic thinkers, even ones considered to be among the most prominent, and Catholic theology from St. Thomas sistemlestirici known as some of Aquino (1224-1274) initiative towards the realization of this goal in an effort to Theology are required to take. Because theologians in the history of the Christian world in his time and for the first time faced with the demands of scientific rationality: urban life in the face of technical developments that accelerate the transition to a new generation despises the life of the world reacted to the traditional understanding, reason through the forces of nature, have given weight to reflect on the possibilities of being sovereign. Mental activity has found numerous adherents, highlighting the philosophy of Aristotle yourself in such an environment[2]. Religious reform movements in subsequent processes adds energy to other basic impulses that, ultimately, must have contributed to the idea of theology based again.
    Cevap Yaz Arama Yap

    Rabia Rabia

    • 2017-03-03 04:38:07

    Cevap : 1 Veterinarian (Veteriner) 2 Secretary (Sekreter) 3 Psychologist (Psikolog) 4 Pilot (Pilot) 5 Designer (Tasarımcı) 6 Chemist (Kimyager) 7 Doctor (Doktor) 8 Nurse (Hemşire) 9 Teacher (Öğretmen) 10 Scientist (Bilimadamı) 11 Farmer (Çiftçi) 12 Lawyer (Avukat) 13 Police / Police Officer (Polis /Polis Memuru) 14 Electrical Engineer (Elektrik Mühendisi) 15 Bus Driver (Otobüs Şoförü) 16 Dentist (Diş Hekimi) 17 Architect (Mimar)
    Cevap Yaz Arama Yap


    • 2018-02-03 08:46:26

    Cevap : SİK DEMEKTİR
    Cevap Yaz Arama Yap

    mert ömer

    • 2018-02-03 07:11:48

    Cevap :  Doctor (Doktor):
    Being a doctor comes with a lot of responsibility. A doctor’s patients rely on their physician for the best medical help possible!
    There are lots of different kinds of doctors. General Practitioners, Family Doctors, and Pediatricians (doctors just-for-kids) are the types most people see on a regular basis for things like the flu, a fever, a check-up or physical, a vaccination, and other common needs. Other doctors specialize in specific health fields or particular body systems. Some examples of specialists include cardiologists (heart and blood), dermatologists (skin), allergists and immunologists (allergic reactions and immune system), neurologists (brain and nervous system), and internists (internal organs). There are also surgeons, whose specialty is performing operations!
    Not all doctors do the same thing every day. Some doctors work in an office, others in the hospital, and some in places you might not think of, like laboratories where they develop new medicines and research cures! Doctors see patients, run and interpret tests, prescribe medicines or treatments, talk to patients about how to stay healthy, respond to emergencies, and regularly read books and medical journals or take classes to keep their knowledge up-to-date! Most doctors work very long hours and have to be available for emergencies.

    Nurse (Hemşire):
    Nurses do a huge range of important things that help keep people healthy, make them better when they’re sick, and support patients and their families!
    Nurses work in lots of different places like hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, people’s homes, schools, camps, and more! Depending on where he or she works and the level of training they’ve had, a nurse can do a big variety of different things. Some nurses take temperatures, give shots, administer medicines, and check patients’ blood pressure and pulse. Other nurses might prescribe medications, order tests, and help diagnose a patient’s problem. There are nurses who assist doctors during surgery, and nurses who help deliver babies!
    Lots of nurses work closely with patients and families, helping them, supporting them, and educating them about things they need to know take care of their illnesses and stay healthy and happy!

    Teacher (Öğretmen):
    Teachers plan lessons, which means they spend time finding fun and interesting ways to introduce their students to new information and make sure they understand it. Teachers enjoy getting to know their students and figuring out how they learn best.
    Teachers also spend time grading papers, making tests, writing report cards and talking with their students’ parents to let them know how well their children are doing in class. By talking with parents, teachers can also learn more about their students and figure out the best way to help them if need be.
    Teachers meet with the grown-ups at their school, like the principal and other teachers. They share ideas and find new ways to make their school a great place.
    There are teachers for small children, teachers for elementary, middle and high school kids, and even teachers for college kids and grown-ups!

    Scientist (Bilimadamı):
    Scientists are people who try to figure out how the many different things in our world and our universe work. This includes scientists who study the biggest galaxies to those who study the tiniest atoms! Scientists use special methods to examine what they’re studying by proposing an explanation to a question or problem, collecting evidence and running tests, and then forming a conclusion based on the results!
    A scientist might work in a laboratory, out in nature, at a special office, as a professor, as a writer or journalist, and more! To answer puzzling questions, scientists might do everything from performing tests and collecting surveys to brainstorming and daydreaming! Scientists use all kinds of different tools for their jobs: Computers, telescopes, microscopes, rulers, thermometers, barometers, scales, beakers and test tubes, and much more!

    Farmer (Çiftçi):
    Some farmers raise animals like cows, chickens and fish. Other farmers raise plants like fruits, vegetables and grains. There are even farmers who grow plants for people to enjoy in their gardens! Farmers make a living by selling their plants, animals and animal products.
    Being a farmer is hard work! Farmers care for their animals by giving them food and water. They plant and harvest crops. They make sure their plants and animals stay healthy. They also take care of the machines that help them farm, like tractors and plows.

    Lawyer (Avukat):
    A lawyer is a person who has studied the law and is an expert in the way their country’s rules and government work. A lawyer’s job is to give people advice about the law and how it works, since the law can be very complicated!
    Many lawyers spend their time meeting with clients, preparing legal documents (like wills, contracts, and leases), and attending trials. At a trial, the lawyer represents his or her client and either defends the client against charges, or prosecutes (brings charges against) the accused. More than anything else, lawyers usually spend a lot of their time doing research! Because the law is constantly changing, lawyers must spend time staying up-to-date on information to give their clients the best advice possible!

    Police / Police Officer (Polis /Polis Memuru):
    The job of a Police Office is very important! Because law enforcement is needed all the time, Police Officers work during the night and on weekends and holidays. Some Police Officers spend their days patrolling on foot or in special vehicles, looking for any types of law violations, handing out tickets, and responding to emergencies. At other times, Police Officers work on investigations or make arrests. They also must write up reports and sometimes appear in court.
    Police work can be tense and dangerous. Police Officers must be attentive at all times so they can respond as needed in emergencies, and they must work in all kinds of weather conditions, too. To become a Police Officer, you usually must go through special training at a police academy to learn about things like law, investigations, and self-defense. Police Officers must pass exams to show fitness and need to have characteristics like honesty and good judgment to help them perform their difficult job!

    Electrical Engineer (Elektrik Mühendisi)
    Electrical engineers design new and better electronics. They also test equipment and solve problems. A project starts by deciding what the new electronics will do. Then, the engineer designs the circuits and other parts of the electronics. Engineers might draw their designs using a computer.
    Later, the engineers test their designs and make them better. Many projects don’t work at first. The engineers have to figure out why and then fix them.
    Electrical engineers work on many kinds of products. They might work on cars, robots, cell phone systems, the lighting and wiring in buildings, and radar and navigation systems.
    Some examples of high-tech projects that electrical and electronics engineers work on are global positioning systems that can pinpoint a car’s location, giant generators that can power entire cities, or a new design for an airplane’s electrical system.
    Engineers work in offices, labs, or industrial plants.

    Bus Driver (Otobüs Şoförü):
    The job of a bus driver goes beyond just steering the bus! There are lots of different bus drivers who drive different types of vehicles, from school buses to public transportation buses to tour buses and more!
    Bus drivers are responsible for the safety of their passengers, which can sometimes be as many as 100 people! Because of traffic and weather problems, the job of a bus driver can sometimes be difficult!

    Dentist (Diş Hekimi):
    Dentists care for their patients’ teeth by treating problems that exist and by giving patients the knowledge and tools they need to keep their teeth healthy in the future. For example, dentists remind their patients about the importance of brushing, flossing and eating foods that are tooth-friendly! A dentist examines the teeth, gums and mouth tissue of patients with help from equipment such as mouth mirrors and X-rays. Filling cavities, removing tooth decay, fitting patients with crowns and dentures, and pulling teeth when necessary are examples of the many duties of a dentist!

    Architect (Mimar):
    Architects design houses and buildings. They plan offices and apartments. They design schools, churches, and airport terminals. Their plans involve far more than a building’s looks. They must ensure that buildings are safe and strong and that they suit the needs of the people who use them.
    The architect and client first discuss what the client wants. The architect sometimes helps decide if a project would work at all or if it would harm the environment. The architect then creates drawings for the client to review. They may be involved in all stages of the construction of a building.
    If the ideas are OK, the architect draws up the final plans. These plans show how the building will look and how to build it. The drawings show the beams that hold up the building. They show the air-conditioner, furnace, and ventilating systems. The drawings show how the electricity and plumbing work. Architects used to use pencil and paper to draw their plan, but today most architects use computers. Architects generally work in comfortable conditions because they spend most of their time in offices. However, they spend some time at building sites to see how projects are going.
    Architects may feel stressed sometimes. Most architects work 40 hours a week, but they may need to work nights and weekends in order to meet deadlines.

    An astronaut is someone who is trained to operate or work aboard spacecraft. Many of these people work for government-sponsored space programs, although in the early 21st century, private firms began working in space as well. Astronauts are often figures of awe and admiration in their communities, and this adulation is well deserved; they endure grueling schedules and training programs for years before they are even allowed to go into space. They are also at the peak of physical fitness, and most are extremely intelligent.
    Astronaut specializes in space travel and exploration. An astronaut is put in to space, orbit in a satellite, on other planet or moon to carry out scientific experiments and observations.the result of his/her observation and experiment is sent to earth where we analyse the result.this helps us to know more about the earth, space, other planets, etc.
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