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52- Martin:ı have good job and ı earn a lot of Money but the problem is that it takes all my time.I can't spend any time with my wife and children. Buna göre hangisi martine verilebilecek bir tavsiye olabilir?


Bu soruya 1 cevap yazıldı. Cevap İçin Alta Doğru İlerleyin.
    Şikayet Et Bu soruya 0 yorum yazıldı.

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    • 2021-12-07 09:44:02

    Cevap : 52- Martin:ı have good job and ı earn a lot of Money but the problem is that it takes all my time.I can't spend any time with my wife and children.
    Buna göre hangisi martine verilebilecek bir tavsiye olabilir?
    Cevap : I think you should look for another job.Family is more important than work

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