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6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Downtown Cevapları

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2021-02-18 12:56:02

    Cevap :

    6. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce 3. Ünite Downtown Sayfa 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 Soruları ve Cevaplarını yazımızın devamından okuyabilirsiniz.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 38 Cevapları

    1- Look, listen and repeat. Then make a sentence with each word. (Track 11)

    e.g. İstanbul is very crowded.

    a) My house is at uptown. (uptown - şehir dışı)
    b) Downtown is busier on Mondays. (downtown - şehir merkezi)
    c) There is a kiosk at the street. (kiosk - büfe)
    d) A skyscraper is hinger than a school building. (skyscraper - gökdelen) 
    e) The street is more crowded than the park. (street - cadde)
    f) There is traffic jam in the city. (traffic jam - trafik sıkışıklığı)

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 39 Cevapları

    2- Before you read, answer the question: Is your hometown a city, a 2 town or a village?

    3- Read Mandy's speech and choose the correct option.

    A skyscraper is ….
    a. a house
    b. a very tall building

    I’m Mandy. I live in a big city. The buildings are higher in big cities than in small towns. There are a lot of skyscrapers. The streets are more crowded and they are noisier. There’s always a traff jam. People are busier in big cities than in towns. Big cities are more expensive than towns.

    Ben mandy Ben büyük bir şehirde yaşıyorum. Binalar büyük şehirlerde küçük kasabalardan daha yüksektir. Çok fazla gökdelen var. Sokaklar daha kalabalık ve gürültülü. Her zaman bir trafik sıkışıklığı var. İnsanlar büyük şehirlerde kasabalardan daha meşgul. Büyük şehirler kasabalardan daha pahalıdır.

    4- Read Mandy's speech again and write true (T) or false (F).

    (F) 1. The buildings are lower in big cities than in small towns.
    (T) 2. The streets are noisier in big cities.
    (F) 3. There isn’t always a traffic jam in big cities.
    (T) 4. Towns are cheaper than big cities.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 40 Cevapları

    5- Talk to your friends about your city / town / village as in the example.

    Arkadaşlarınızla örnekte olduğu gibi şehir / kasaba / köyünüz hakkında konuşun.

    6- Before you listen, answer the question: Where is Rome? Roma is Italy.

    Dinlemeden önce şu soruyu cevaplayın: Roma nerede?

    7- Listen to the dialogue and answer the question: What does Sophia want from Jim? (Track 12)

    Diyaloğu dinleyin ve şu soruyu cevaplayın: Sophia Jim’den ne istiyor?

    She wants information about cities. Şehirler hakkında bilgi istiyor.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 41 Cevapları

    8- Listen to track 12 again and complete the table.

    LONDON  VS ROMELONDON ROMEbigger taller buildings more skycrapers more crowded busier shops more exciting more expensive cheaper more beautiful 

    9- Look at the table in activity 8. Fill in the blanks to compare London and Rome.

    1. London is bigger than Rome.
    2. London has got taller buildings.
    3. There are more skycrapers in London.
    4. Roma is more crowded than London.
    5. The shops are busier in London.
    6. Rome is more exciting than London.
    7. London is cheaper than Rome.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 42 Cevapları

    10- Look at the pictures and compare the two cities with each other.
    Use the keywords.

    Ankara is bigger than İzmir.
    İzmir is smaller than Ankara

    Ankara is crowded than İzmir.

    İzmir is cheapper than Ankara.
    Ankara is more expencive than İzmir.

    İzmir is greenner  than Ankara.

    Ankara is colder than İzmir.
    İzmir is warmer than Ankara.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 43 Cevapları

    11- Before you read, answer the question: Do you live downtown or uptown? Okumadan önce şu soruyu cevaplayın: Şehir merkezinde mi, şehir dışında mı yaşıyorsunuz?

    12- Read the dialogue and mark the correct picture. Which one is the uptown flat? Diyaloğu okuyun ve doğru resmi işaretleyin. Hangisi şehir dışında?

    13- Read the dialogue again and write true (T) or false (F).

    (T) 1. The downtown flat is more beautiful.
    (F) 2. The uptown flat is more expensive.
    (F) 3. They don’t need a big flat.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 44 Cevapları

    14- Work in pairs. Which one is better? Downtown or uptown? Make dialogues and compare them. You can use the keywords. Çiftler halinde çalışın. Hangisi daha iyi? Şehir merkezinde mi, şehir dışında mı? Diyalog yapın ve karşılaştırın. Anahtar kelimeleri kullanabilirsiniz.

    quiet --> sessiz
    exciting --> heyacan verici
    clean --> temiz
    busy --> meşgul
    big --> büyük
    cheap --> ucuz
    crowded --> kalabalık
    green --> yeşil

    15- Read the information and draw a picture. Then colour it.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 45 Cevapları

    16- Before you listen, answer the questions: Do you like going to the playground? What do you do there? Dinlemeden önce, soruları cevaplayın: Oyun alanına gitmeyi sever misiniz? Orada ne yapıyorsun?

    17- Look at the picture and listen to Mary. Write the names. (Track 13) Resme bak ve Mary’i dinle. İsimleri yaz. 

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 46 Cevapları

    18- Listen to track 13 again and answer the questions.

    1. Is Kelly feeding her dog?
    2. Is John playing with a ball?
    3. What are Mark and Ken doing?

    19- Look at the pictures. What are these people doing? Use the keywords and say

    e.g. In the first picture, the man is selling balloons.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 47 Cevapları

    20- Before you read, answer the question: What is your favourite activity in the park?

    21- Read the sentences, look at the pictures and write children’s names.

    22- Read the sentences in activity 21 again and answer the questions.

    1. What is Selin doing?
    2. Who is playing badminton?
    3. What is Mary doing?

    23- Look at five friends in your class. What are they doing? Describe

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 48 Cevapları

    24- Before you listen, answer the questions: Is there a square in your city/town? What is its name?

    25- Listen to the dialogue and answer the question: What is there in Monument Square? (Track 14)

    26- Listen to track 14 again and write true (T) or false (F).

    1. Jenny is taking care of her sister.
    2. Susan and Kate are listening to their favourite band right now.
    3. Kelly is feeding the street cats at the moment.
    4. Danny isn’t enjoying himself.

    27- Work in pairs. Choose a place like a park/café/school/concert, etc. One of you is at home and the other is at that place with friends. Make a telephone conversation as in activity 25. Ask about people and what they are doing.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 49 Cevapları

    Write the new words in your visual dictionary. Draw or stick pictures for them.

    Think about a morning in your neighbourhood. What are the people doing?
    Draw or take a picture of your street and describe the people.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 3. Ünite Sayfa 50 Cevapları

    Prepare a poster. Compare your hometown and another city in your country

    My hometown Denizli is larger than Muğla. Buildings are more modern in my hometown, but hotels are more comfortable in Muğla.

    Read the sentences and give points between 0 and 10.
    At the end of this unit, I can…
    - describe places.
    - listen and understand texts, dialogues, etc. about places.
    - compare places and things.
    - listen, understand and describe what people are doing now.
    - ask and answer questions about what people are doing.

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