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6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Saving The Planet Cevapları

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    • 2021-02-18 13:08:02

    Cevap :

    6. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce 9. Ünite Saving The Planet Sayfa 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133 Soruları ve Cevaplarını yazımızın devamından okuyabilirsiniz.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Sayfa 122 Cevapları

    1- Look at the pictures. Choose the correct headline and write it in the box.

    a. Life is Beautiful!
    b. Save the Animals!
    c. Save the Planet!

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Sayfa 123 Cevapları

    2- Before you listen, answer the questions: Do you plant trees?Why/Why not? I plant trees to save our planet.

    3- Listen to the dialogue and answer the question: What do Mary and Charles decide to prepare? (Track 29)
    They decide to prepare a poster about saving our planet.

    4- Who suggests what? Listen to track 29 again. Read the sentences. Write "M" for Mary, "C" for Charles.
    1. Stop air and water pollution.
    (M) 2. Stop noise pollution.
    (M) 3. Don’t throw rubbish on the ground.
    (C) 4. Don’t drop litter.
    (C) 5. Save energy.
    (M) 6. Turn off the lights.
    (M) 7. Use less water and energy.
    (C) 8. Don’t cut down trees.
    (M) 9. Recycle.
    (C) 10. Don’t harm the animals.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Sayfa 124 Cevapları

    5- What can you do to protect the environment? Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and the keywords. Ask and answer questions and give each other suggestions.

    (X) cut down trees, drop litter, make air pollution, pollute the seas, waste water

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Sayfa 129 Cevapları

    14- Before you read, answer the questions: Do you think you should have recycling bins at school, too? Do you think all the students use them?
    I think evoryone should use them in everywhere.

    15- Read the text about the protection of the environment and answer the question: What are the “3Rs rules”?
    Reduce, Reuse and Recylcle

    16- Read the text in activity 15 again and answer the questions.
    1. What is global warming?
    2. How can we stop wasting energy?
    3. Why should we grow more plants?
    4. Why should we classify the rubbish as paper, plastic, metal and glass?

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Sayfa 130 Cevapları

    17- What should/shouldn’t we do to protect the environment? Look at the photos and use the keywords. First take notes in the box below. Then make a speech about it.

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Sayfa 131 Cevapları

    18- Listen and sing the song by Louis Armstrong. (Track 31)

    19- Write a poem about a beautiful and healthy world.
    Beautiful strong trees.
    All of them have a story.
    Nature is beauty

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Sayfa 132 Cevapları

    20- Before you listen, look at the pictures and match them with the  types of pollution.

    Air pollution (C) Water pollution (A) Land pollution (B)

    21- Listen to the text and answer the question: When is the Earth Day? Track 32)
    It is on the 22nd of April.

    22- Listen to track 32 again and fill in the blanks.
    1. People pollute the seas, oceans, rivers, air and the land.
    2. There are a lot of things to do to save our planet.
    3. On Earth Day, some people get on the buses instead of cars.
    4. People use less electrical devices on Earth Day

    6. Sınıf Pasifik İngilizce 9. Ünite Sayfa 133 Cevapları

    23- What can you do on Earth Day? Write briefly.

    24- Find these words in the puzzle.

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