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7.sınıf ingilizce hayvan tanıtımı proje ödevi

7.sınıf ingilizce hayvan tanıtımı proje ödevi sorusunun cevabı nedir?

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    • 2024-04-15 14:17:57

    Cevap : 7. Sınıf İngilizce dersiniz için vahşi hayvanların özellikleri ve yaşam alanları hakkında bir proje ödevi yaparken, belirli hayvan türlerini seçerek her biri hakkında kısa bilgi verebilirsiniz.

    Projenizde aşağıdaki başlıklar altında bilgi verebilirsiniz:
    1. Hayvanın Adı: Tanıttığınız hayvanın İngilizce adını belirtin.
    2. Fiziksel Özellikleri: Hayvanın boyutları, renkleri ve diğer fiziksel özellikleri hakkında bilgi verin.
    3. Yaşam Alanı: Hayvanın nerede yaşadığını ve hangi tür ortamları tercih ettiğini belirtin.
    4. Beslenme Alışkanlıkları: Hayvanın neyle beslendiğini ve avlanma tarzını anlatın.
    5. Davranışları: Hayvanın genel davranışları, sosyal yapısı ve diğer hayvanlarla ilişkisi hakkında bilgi verin.
    6. Tehditler: Hayvanın karşılaştığı tehditler ve neslinin korunmasına yönelik bilgiler verebilirsiniz.

    Aşağıda birkaç vahşi hayvan türü için örnek bilgiler verilmiştir:

    1. Lion (Aslan)

    1. Physical Features: Lions are large and powerful cats with a golden-yellow coat. Males have a distinctive mane around their head and neck.
    2. Habitat: Lions are typically found in savannas, grasslands, and open woodlands in parts of Africa.
    3. Diet: Lions are carnivores and primarily hunt large herbivores like zebras, antelopes, and buffaloes.
    4. Behavior: Lions are social animals and live in groups called prides, usually consisting of one male and several females and their cubs.
    5. Threats: Lions face threats from habitat loss and poaching.

    2. Elephant (Fil)

    1. Physical Features: Elephants are the largest land animals. They have thick, gray skin, a long trunk, and large ears.
    2. Habitat: Elephants inhabit forests, savannas, and grasslands in Africa and parts of Asia.
    3. Diet: Elephants are herbivores and feed on grasses, leaves, fruits, and bark.
    4. Behavior: Elephants are known for their strong social bonds and live in herds led by a matriarch.
    5. Threats: Elephants are at risk from poaching for their ivory tusks and habitat destruction.

    3. Cheetah (Çita)

    1. Physical Features: Cheetahs have a slender body, a spotted coat, and a distinctive black tear stripe on each side of their face.
    2. Habitat: Cheetahs live in open grasslands and savannas, primarily in parts of Africa.
    3. Diet: Cheetahs are carnivores and mainly hunt small to medium-sized herbivores such as gazelles.
    4. Behavior: Cheetahs are known for their incredible speed and hunting prowess. They usually hunt alone.
    5. Threats: Cheetahs face threats from habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict.

    Bu örneklerden hareketle, farklı vahşi hayvan türleri hakkında bilgi verebilirsiniz. Projenizi görseller ve ek bilgi ile zenginleştirerek daha ilgi çekici hale getirebilirsiniz. İyi şanslar!

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    • 2024-04-15 14:19:45

    Cevap :

    5 Örnek 7. Sınıf İngilizce Performans Ödevi: Vahşi Hayvanlar

    1. The Majestic Lion:

    1. Presentation Topic: The Lion: King of the Jungle
    2. Key Points:
      1. Physical characteristics: Muscular build, long mane, sharp claws
      2. Diet: Carnivore, preys on large mammals like zebras and wildebeests
      3. Social structure: Pride (a group of lions led by a male)
      4. Hunting habits: Cooperative hunters, use teamwork to take down prey
      5. Conservation status: Vulnerable due to habitat loss and hunting

    2. The Enigmatic Owl:

    1. Presentation Topic: The Owl: Silent Hunter of the Night
    2. Key Points:
      1. Physical characteristics: Large eyes, sharp talons, excellent night vision
      2. Diet: Carnivore, preys on small animals like rodents and birds
      3. Hunting habits: Solitary hunters, use stealth to ambush prey
      4. Unique features: Ability to rotate head 270 degrees, silent flight
      5. Cultural significance: Symbol of wisdom and mystery in many cultures

    3. The Graceful Giraffe:

    1. Presentation Topic: The Giraffe: Gentle Giant of the Savanna
    2. Key Points:
      1. Physical characteristics: Tallest land animal, long neck, spotted coat
      2. Diet: Herbivore, feeds on leaves, twigs, and fruits from trees
      3. Social structure: Loose herds, females and young stay together
      4. Unique features: Long tongue for reaching high leaves, ability to run at speeds of up to 40 mph
      5. Conservation status: Vulnerable due to habitat loss and poaching

    4. The Powerful Elephant:

    1. Presentation Topic: The Elephant: Largest Land Mammal on Earth
    2. Key Points:
      1. Physical characteristics: Thick skin, long trunk, large tusks
      2. Diet: Herbivore, feeds on grasses, leaves, and fruits
      3. Social structure: Close-knit family groups led by a matriarch
      4. Unique features: Excellent memory, ability to communicate using infrasound
      5. Conservation status: Vulnerable due to habitat loss and poaching

    5. The Elusive Snow Leopard:

    1. Presentation Topic: The Snow Leopard: Ghost of the Mountains
    2. Key Points:
      1. Physical characteristics: Thick fur, long tail, camouflaged coat
      2. Diet: Carnivore, preys on mountain goats, blue sheep, and ibex
      3. Solitary hunters: Stalk and ambush prey from high vantage points
      4. Unique features: Thick fur for cold weather, ability to leap up to 6 times its own body length
      5. Conservation status: Endangered due to habitat loss and poaching


    1. These are just a few examples, you can choose any wild animal that interests you.
    2. Conduct thorough research to gather accurate information about your chosen animal.
    3. Use visuals, maps, and props to make your presentation more engaging.
    4. Practice your presentation beforehand to deliver it confidently.
    5. Be prepared to answer questions from your classmates and teacher.

    I hope this helps!

    Cevap Yaz Arama Yap


    • 2024-04-15 14:16:41

    Cevap :

    7th Grade English Wild Animal Presentation Project: Example - Tiger

    Topic: Tiger: Characteristics and Habitat

    Project Aim: The aim of this project is to research and present in English the characteristics and habitat of a wild animal, in this case, the tiger. By doing so, you will both improve your English skills and learn about a fascinating animal species.

    Project Steps:

    1. Animal Selection: First, you need to choose a wild animal that you are interested in and want to learn about. You can choose from many different wild animals such as lions, bears, elephants, zebras, giraffes, snakes, eagles, etc.
    2. Research: You should research the animal you have chosen on the internet, in libraries, or in encyclopedias. You should learn about the animal's physical features, diet, hunting habits, lifestyle, reproduction, habitat, and conservation status.
    3. Presentation Preparation: Using the information you have researched, you should prepare a presentation. You can include visuals, photos, and maps in your presentation. It is important to prepare your presentation in English and use vocabulary that is appropriate for your level.
    4. Presentation: You should present your presentation to your classmates and teacher in English. During your presentation, you should speak clearly and understandably, use visuals and maps to support your presentation, and be prepared to answer questions.


    Your project will be evaluated based on your research skills, English language skills, and presentation skills. The content of your presentation, your English grammar and pronunciation, your presentation style, and the use of visuals will all be considered in the evaluation.


    1. You can use videos or sound effects to make your presentation more engaging.
    2. It is important to rehearse your presentation and time yourself.
    3. To avoid getting nervous during your presentation, take deep breaths and stay calm.
    4. Be prepared to answer questions from your classmates and teacher after your presentation.

    Additional Resources:


    Good Luck!

    I hope this information will help you with your 7th grade English animal presentation project.

    Note: Here are some English words and phrases that you can use for your presentation:

    1. Animal: Hayvan
    2. Characteristics: Özellikler
    3. Habitat: Yaşam alanı
    4. Physical features: Fiziksel özellikler
    5. Diet: Yiyecek
    6. Hunting: Avlanma
    7. Lifestyle: Yaşam tarzı
    8. Reproduction: Üreme
    9. Endangered species: Nesli tükenmekte olan tür
    10. Interesting facts: İlginç bilgiler

    You can also use maps and visuals in your presentation to show the areas where the animal lives.

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