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Answer the questions 1-2 according to the invitation card below

1. Classmates come together on July 30 because ----.
A) some of them like activities
B) they like playing games together
C) their teachers want to organize a party
D) there is an organization on Frienship Day

2. According to the saying on the card, your best friend can count on you because ---
A) you always support him/her
B) you can organize a meeting together
C) you have a lot of fun with your teachers
D) your friends come together on Friendship Day

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2022-05-18 10:00:40

    Cevap : 1. Classmates come together on July 30 because ----.

    A) some of them like activities
    B) they like playing games together
    C) their teachers want to organize a party
    D) there is an organization on Frienship Day


    2. According to the saying on the card, your best friend can count on you because ---

    A) you always support him/her
    B) you can organize a meeting together
    C) you have a lot of fun with your teachers
    D) your friends come together on Friendship Day


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