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Atatürkün hayatı ingilizce

atatürkün hayatı ingilizce

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2020-12-23 12:22:02

    Cevap : Atatürk’s Life
    Atatürk’s full name is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. He was born in Salonica in 1881. His father was Ali Rıza and his mother was Zübeyde. Atatürk‘s four of five siblings died at young ages. Only Makbule lived until 1956. When Mustafa was a school-age school, he started to study at Hafız Mehmet Efendi Local School. Then, he transferred to Şemsi Efendi School at his father’s instigation. Then he lost his father in 1888. He started Military High School (Askeri Rüştiye) in 1893. His mathematics teacher added “Kemal” to his name. He went to Samsun in 19th May 1919 and war of independence started. He was given the surname “Atatürk” by Grand National Assembly of Turkey in 1934. He died on 10th November 1938.

    Atatürk’s Ranks
    He became a lieutenant in 1902.
    He was promoted to the rank of captain on 11th January 1905.
    His rank was changed to lieutenant colonel in 1914.
    He became a colonel in 1915.
    He was promoted to the rank of major general in 1st April 1916.
    He became the general of the army in 1921.

    Atatürk’s Principles

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