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Aziz Sancar ingilizce biyografi

Aziz sancar ingilizce biyografi sorusunun cevabı için bana yardımcı olur musunuz?

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2022-04-23 16:09:31

    Cevap :  Aziz Sancar’s Life Aziz Sancar was born in Mardin on 8th September 1946. He had 7 siblings (brothers and sisters). His father was a farmer. Aziz Sancar’s native language is Arabic. But he is Turkish and says always he is Turkish. He has finished primary school and high school in Mardin. He started Istanbul University School of Medicine in 1963. He graduated from Medical Faculty in 1971. He went to the USA to study after his graduation. Then he worked as a doctor in Mardin Savur which is his hometown, for two years. He studied for doctorate at Texas University. His doktorate subject was molecular biology. Aziz Sancar received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2015. Aziz Sancar is married to Gwen Boles Sancar who is a professor of biochemistry. When was Aziz Sancar born? He was born on 8th September 1946. How many brothers and sisters does Aziz Sancar have? He has 7 brothers and sisters. Which university did Aziz Sancar graduate from? He graduated from Istanbul University School of Medicine. When did Aziz Sancar receive Nobel Prize in Chemistry? He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2015.

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