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Can yücel bağlanmayacaksın şiiri ingilizce

Can yücel bağlanmayacaksın şiiri ingilizce sorusunun cevabı için bana yardımcı olur musunuz?

Bu soruya 3 cevap yazıldı. Cevap İçin Alta Doğru İlerleyin.
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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2022-07-11 08:51:39

    Cevap : You don't attach to one thing blindly
    You don't say 'I cant live without her'
    Don't say it
    Because you live.
    It is not necessary to use such cliched words
    Don't love too much for example. If she loves you less, your heart will break
    And usually, she loves you less than you love her anyway
    If you don't love too much, you won't get hurt a great deal
    If you don't possess much, you won't be possessed either..
    You don't possess the building you work in, the table, the telephone, your cards
    Don't even own your hands and your legs
    You behave as if they are not yours.
    Then if you don't have anything, you won't be afraid of losing.
    You act as if you could live without them
    For example, don't have much furniture in your home
    So you could walk clumsily around.
    If you insist on having something
    You will have the places where rooftops join the skies
    You have the sky
    Or the sun, the moon or even the stars
    For example the northern star, it will be yours
    You should say 'It is mine'
    If you insist on possessing something
    Rainbows will be yours for example
    If you want to belong to something, belong to the colours
    For example to orange or to pink
    Or you will belong to paradise
    You have to live not possessing much
    And not belonging to a great deal
    You will live as if life will slip from your palms at anytime
    And at the same time, it is yours forever.
    You will live attached to life
    By its edge

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    • 2022-07-11 08:49:40

    Cevap :

    Don't become attached

    You don't attach to one thing blindly
    You don't say 'I cant live without her'
    Don't say it
    Because you live.
    It is not necessary to use such cliched words
    Don't love too much for example. If she loves you less, your heart will break
    And usually, she loves you less than you love her anyway
    If you don't love too much, you won't get hurt a great deal
    If you don't possess much, you won't be possessed either..
    You don't possess the building you work in, the table, the telephone, your cards
    Don't even own your hands and your legs
    You behave as if they are not yours.
    Then if you don't have anything, you won't be afraid of losing.
    You act as if you could live without them
    For example, don't have much furniture in your home
    So you could walk clumsily around.
    If you insist on having something
    You will have the places where rooftops join the skies
    You have the sky
    Or the sun, the moon or even the stars
    For example the northern star, it will be yours
    You should say 'It is mine'
    If you insist on possessing something
    Rainbows will be yours for example
    If you want to belong to something, belong to the colours26
    For example to orange or to pink
    Or you will belong to paradise
    You have to live not possessing much
    And not belonging to a great deal
    You will live as if life will slip from your palms at anytime
    And at the same time, it is yours forever.
    You will live attached to life
    By its edge
    Cevap Yaz Arama Yap


    • 2022-07-11 08:51:16

    Cevap : Baglanmayacaksin bir seye, öyle körü körüne.
    "O olmazsa yasayamam." demeyeceksin.
    Demeyeceksin iste.
    Yasarsin çünkü.
    Öyle beylik laflar etmeye gerek yok ki.
    Çok sevmeyeceksin mesela. O daha az severse kirilirsin.
    Ve zaten genellikle o daha az sever seni, senin o’nu sevdiginden.
    Çok sevmezsen, çok acimazsin.
    Çok sahiplenmeyince, çok ait de olmazsin hem.
    Çalistigin binayi, masani, telefonunu, kartvizitini
    Hatta elini ayagini bile çok sahiplenmeyeceksin.
    Senin degillermis gibi davranacaksin.
    Hem hiçbir seyin olmazsa, kaybetmekten de korkmazsin.
    Onlarsiz da yasayabilirmissin gibi davranacaksin.
    Çok esyan olmayacak mesela evinde.
    Paldir küldür yürüyebileceksin.
    Ille de bir seyleri sahipleneceksen,
    Çatilarin gökyüzüyle birlestigi yerleri sahipleneceksin.
    Gökyüzünü sahipleneceksin,
    Günesi, ayi, yildizlari
    Mesela kuzey yildizi, senin yildizin olacak.
    "O benim." diyeceksin.
    Mutlaka sana ait olmasini istiyorsan bir seylerin
    Mesela gökkusagi senin olacak.
    Ille de bir seye ait olacaksan, renklere ait olacaksin.
    Mesela turuncuya, yada pembeye.
    Ya da cennete ait olacaksin.
    Çok sahiplenmeden,
    Çok ait olmadan yasayacaksin.
    Hem her an avuçlarindan kayip gidecekmis gibi,
    Hem de hep senin kalacakmis gibi hayat.
    Ilişik yaşayacaksın.
    Ucundan tutarak
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