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Even though Egyptian medicine went into decline about 1200 BCE, ----.

A) ancient Egyptians began to develop the world’s first sophisticated medical practice sometime before 2000 BCE
B) its reputation as the best in the ancient world continued for many centuries to follow
C) there is evidence suggesting that most treatments for disease were based on trial-and-error experimentation
D) it is assumed that Egyptian priests gained their understanding of the human body by preparing mummies
E) religion in ancient Egypt played an integral role in the treatment of all kinds of diseases
sorusunun cevabı için bana yardımcı olur musunuz?

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2022-06-08 07:34:14

    Cevap : Even though Egyptian medicine went into decline about 1200 BCE, ----.

    A) ancient Egyptians began to develop the world’s first sophisticated medical practice sometime before 2000 BCE
    B) its reputation as the best in the ancient world continued for many centuries to follow
    C) there is evidence suggesting that most treatments for disease were based on trial-and-error experimentation
    D) it is assumed that Egyptian priests gained their understanding of the human body by preparing mummies
    E) religion in ancient Egypt played an integral role in the treatment of all kinds of diseases
    sorusunun cevabı için bana yardımcı olur musunuz?
    CEVAP: B
    Mısır tıbbının düşüşe geçmesi ile ilgili cümleyi "even though" (rağmen)  kullanarak başladığına göre, devamında pozitif bir bilgi vermek durumundadır. Konu ile uyumlu tek pozitif cümle B şıkkıdır.
    Mısır tıbbı MÖ 1200 yıllarında düşüşe geçmiş olsa da/olmasına rağmen, antik dünyanın en iyisi olarak ünü yüzyıllar boyunca devam etti.

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