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İlgilenmek ingilizcesi

İlgilenmek ingilizcesi sorusunun cevabı için bana yardımcı olur musunuz?

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2023-02-10 05:35:00

    Cevap : İlgilenmek = to take care of

    The word "ilgilenmek" in Turkish translates to "to be interested in" or "to care about" in English.

    Here are some English sentence examples using this word:

    1. I am interested in learning about different cultures.
    2. She doesn't seem to care about her grades this semester.
    3. He is always interested in hearing about new technology.
    4. They don't seem to take the situation seriously, but I still care about the outcome.

    Pronunciation: "il-ghee-len-mek"

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