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Kitaptan resmini çek hemen cevaplansın.

Istanbul is one of the most densely populated cities in Turkey. There are lots of people. It is really hard to walk in the streets because everywhere is full of people.

It is stated in the passage that Istanbul - - - -.
A) is a crowded city
B) is famous for its skyscrapers
C) has lots of prefabricated houses
D) is a calm place to have a rest
E) is under a big threat of an earthquake

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2021-01-20 09:25:09

    Cevap : Istanbul is one of the most densely populated cities in Turkey. There are lots of people. It is really hard to walk in the streets because everywhere is full of people.


    İstanbul Türkiye'de en yoğun nüfuslu şehirlerden biridir. Bir çok insan bulunur. Her yer insanla dolu olduğundan sokaklarda yürümek gerçekten çok zordur. 

    Bu paragrafta İstanbul'un kalabalık bir şehir olduğundan bahsedilmiştir. Bu sebeple doğru cevap A'dır.

    It is stated in the passage that Istanbul is a crowded city


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