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Küçük prens kitap özeti ingilizce

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    • 2023-11-22 18:10:42

    Cevap :

    The Little Prince is a novella by French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The novella is the most famous work of Saint-Exupéry, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. Translated into 300 languages and dialects (as well as Braille), selling nearly two million copies annually with sales totaling over 140 million copies worldwide, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published.

    The novella is the story of a young prince who leaves his tiny asteroid home to travel the universe. He visits six other planets, each inhabited by a strange adult who is obsessed with a single thing. On Earth, the prince meets a fox, who teaches him about the importance of love and friendship. The prince eventually returns to his asteroid, where he dies.

    The Little Prince is a story about the importance of imagination, love, and friendship. It is also a story about the dangers of growing up and losing sight of the important things in life.

    Here is a summary of the story:

    Chapter 1

    The narrator, a pilot who has crashed in the Sahara desert, meets a young boy who calls himself the Little Prince. The Little Prince tells the narrator that he comes from a small asteroid that is so small that it can be seen only with a telescope.

    Chapter 2

    The Little Prince tells the narrator about his life on the asteroid. He has three volcanoes, two of which are active, and a rose. The rose is beautiful, but she is also very demanding and vain.

    Chapter 3

    The Little Prince decides to leave his asteroid and explore the universe. He travels to six other planets, each inhabited by a strange adult who is obsessed with a single thing.

    Chapter 4

    On the first planet, the Little Prince meets a king who believes that he is the most important person in the universe. The king orders the Little Prince to bow down to him, but the Little Prince refuses.

    Chapter 5

    On the second planet, the Little Prince meets a conceited man who believes that he is the most handsome man in the universe. The conceited man asks the Little Prince to admire him, but the Little Prince finds him ridiculous.

    Chapter 6

    On the third planet, the Little Prince meets a drunkard who is trying to forget his problems with alcohol. The Little Prince tells the drunkard that he needs to find a way to be happy without alcohol, but the drunkard is not interested in listening.

    Chapter 7

    On the fourth planet, the Little Prince meets a businessman who is counting the stars. The businessman believes that if he owns all the stars, he will be the richest man in the universe. The Little Prince tells the businessman that he is wasting his time, but the businessman is not interested in listening.

    Chapter 8

    On the fifth planet, the Little Prince meets a lamplighter who is responsible for lighting and extinguishing a street lamp every minute. The lamplighter is happy with his job, even though it is repetitive and meaningless.

    Chapter 9

    On the sixth planet, the Little Prince meets a geographer who is too busy to look at the stars. The geographer tells the Little Prince that he needs to collect data before he can make any maps, but the Little Prince is not interested in data.

    Chapter 10

    The Little Prince arrives on Earth, where he meets a fox. The fox teaches the Little Prince about the importance of love and friendship.

    Chapter 11

    The Little Prince learns that he must return to his home planet. He says goodbye to the fox and to the narrator.

    Chapter 12

    The Little Prince returns to his home planet and dies. The narrator finds the Little Prince's body next to a rose.

    The Little Prince is a classic story that has been enjoyed by generations of readers. It is a story about the importance of imagination, love, and friendship. It is also a story about the dangers of growing up and losing sight of the important things in life.

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    • 2023-11-22 18:10:58

    Cevap : "Küçük Prens" kitabı, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry tarafından yazılan ünlü bir çocuk kitabıdır. Kitap, bir pilotun çölde mahsur kalan bir çocukla olan karşılaşmasını anlatır. Küçük Prens, gezegenler arasında dolaşırken farklı karakterlerle tanışır ve onların hikayelerini öğrenir. Bu karakterler arasında kibirli bir kral, coşkulu bir sarhoş, işine çok düşkün bir işadamı ve bir tilki bulunur. Küçük Prens, dünyadaki insanların yitirdikleri önemli değerleri hatırlatır ve gerçek dostluğun ve sevginin önemini vurgular.
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