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Let me raise a toast to the girl i love the most lyrics

let me raise a toast to the girl i love the most lyrics sorusunun cevabı nedir?

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    • 2021-08-02 13:06:44

    Cevap : Let me raise a toast to the girl i love the most lyrics SORUSUNUN CEVABI:

    TÜRKÇESİ: En çok sevdiğim kıza kadeh kaldırayım şarkı sözleri


    Alfalfa: I once fell in love with a girl,
    And through schemes and betrayals by my best friend,
    She came to think I was nothin’ more than a he-man woman-hater,
    But I’m a woman-lover!
    Alfalfa: So let me raise a toast to the girl I love most in the whole world.
    Darla: Please don’t say my name. Please don’t say my name.
    Alfalfa: Darla.
    Darla: Ohh.
    Let Me Raise A Toast Meaning: Ocassion where someone wishes happiness for someone.


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