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Marmara iklimi ingilizce

Marmara iklimi özellikleri ingilizce maddeler halinde

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    İşte Cevaplar

    Deniz mavi

    • 2021-01-02 22:57:27

    Cevap : Marmara Region Climate:
    1. The Marmara region has a hybrid Mediterranean climate.
    2. Summers are warm to hot, humid and moderate dry but winters are cold and wet and sometimes snowy.
    3. In the Marmara Region, which is located in a transition zone, the effect of the Mediterranean climate gradually decreases from south to north.
    4. The characteristics of the steppe climate are observed towards the inland Bilecik region and Ergene Basin.
    5. Since there are no uninterrupted mountain barriers, many parts of the region are open to the effects of the Balkan Peninsula and some parts of the Central Anatolia Region. For this reason, some winters experience cold pressures affecting even the coasts of the region and heavy heat waves in some summers.
    6. The Ergene Section is a section with dense mountain ranges and is shown as the section with the least precipitation in the Marmara Region.

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