Soru Tara Cevapla Giriş

Cevap Ara?

14.756.348 den fazla soru içinde arama yap.

Sorunu Tarat
Kitaptan resmini çek hemen cevaplansın.

Match the questions with the answers.

1. When do you visit your aunt?
2. Does your sister run errands at home?
3. What time does your little brother attend ahess olub?
4. What does your best friend do at break time?
5. Do you go to step dance class after school?
6. What is the date today?
7. What do you do after school?
a. She plays chess.
b. I take English courses.
c. Yes, she does.
d. On the weekends.
e. At quarter past four.
f. No, I don't...
g. 21 October 2017.

Bu soruya 1 cevap yazıldı. Cevap İçin Alta Doğru İlerleyin.
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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2022-10-04 12:36:54

    Cevap : 1. When do you visit your aunt? - d. On the weekends.
    2. Does your sister run errands at home? - c. Yes, she does.
    3. What time does your little brother attend chess club? - e. At quarter past four.
    4. What does your best friend do at break time? - a. She plays chess.
    5. Do you go to step dance class after school? - f. No, I don't...
    6. What is the date today? - g. 21 October 2017.
    7. What do you do after school? - b. I take English courses.

    Diğer Cevaplara Gözat
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