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    • 2020-12-15 03:43:44

    Cevap :
    İngilizce - Türkçe

    online teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

    çevrim içi (Bilgisayar)

    Örnek Cümle: Tom çevrim içi aradığı bilgiyi buldu. - Tom found the information he was looking for online.

    Örnek Cümle: Tom çevrim içi olmakta zorlanıyordu. - Tom had trouble getting online.


    Örnek Cümle: Ben çevrimiçi giysi satarım. - I sell clothing online.

    Örnek Cümle: Tatoeba çevrimiçi dünyada en güzel yerdir. - Tatoeba is the most beautiful place in the online world.

    çevrimde (Bilgisayar)
    kompütörün idaresi altında olan
    asıl işle beraber
    kompütörle beraber çalışan
    cEViRiM ici
    doğrudan bağlantılı
    devrede (Bilgisayar)
    online banking
    (Ticaret) ınternet bankacılığı
    online banking
    (Ticaret) telefon bankacılığı
    online help
    (Bilgisayar) anında yardım
    online registration
    (Bilgisayar) anında kayıt
    online service
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi hizmet
    online services
    (Bilgisayar) ağ üzerindeki hizmetler
    online services
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi servisler
    online shopping
    (Bilgisayar) elektronik alışveriş
    online support
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi destek
    online broadcasting
    İnternet üzerinden radyo veya tv yayıncılığı
    online business
    İnternet üzerinden yapılan iş (alışveriş)
    online paintable
    hatta iken boyanabilir yüzeyde işlem yapabilmek
    online shopping
    İnternet üzerinden alışveriş
    online teaching
    İnternet üzerinden öğretim
    online trading
    online ticaret
    Online card
    (Tekstil) On-line tarak makinesi
    online assistance
    (Bilgisayar) online destek
    online buy
    online satın al
    online celebrities
    (Bilgisayar) ağ üzerindeki ünlüler
    online data
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi veri
    online data interchange
    (Havacılık) online bilgi değişimi
    online data processing
    online bilgi işlem
    online databases
    (Eğitim) süreç içi veritabanı
    online editing
    Çevrimiçi Düzenleme
    online education
    sistem destekli eğitim
    online error
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi hata
    online help
    Çevrimiçi Yardım
    online information
    çevrimiçi bilgi
    online layout
    (Bilgisayar) bağlantılı görünüm
    online maintenance
    (Askeri) uzaktan bakım
    online meeting
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi toplantı
    online only
    (Bilgisayar) yalnız çevrimiçi
    online registration
    Çevrimiçi Kayıt
    online registration wizard
    Çevrimiçi Kayıt Sihirbazı
    online servis
    Abonelerine özel elektronik posta , tartısma ve sohbet grupları bilgi bankaları hizmetleri sunan . ve genellikle internete bağlanma olanağı veren ticari bilgisayar ağlarının genel adı . örnek : Aol
    online statement
    (Bilgisayar) devrede ifadesi
    online statement application
    (Bilgisayar) devrede ifadesi uygulaması
    online tracking
    online izleme
    online viewer
    (Bilgisayar) anında görüntüleyici
    bring online
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi getir
    register online
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi kayıt
    work online
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi çalış
    expert online searcher
    uzman online arama
    go online
    İnternete bağlanmak, çevrimiçi olmak
    go online
    İnternet şebekesi ya da elektrik şebekesi gibi bir şebeke üzerinden bir sistemi çalışır duruma getirmek

    1. The company also is considering building a $100 million biomass boiler, which could go online by 2013 and generate 65 megawatts of power.2. Israel Rocket Defense System Set to Go online.3. A new defense system to protect southern Israel from Gaza Jihad militants' rockets prepared to go online after years of development.4. Now you can watch Kerala government's education channel live on your laptop as it will go online in the new year.

    books online
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi kitaplar
    dss online
    (Bilgisayar) dss çevrimiçi
    power online
    (Bilgisayar) güç devrede
    stay online
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi kal
    working online
    (Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi çalışılıyor
    Türkçe - Türkçe

    online teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

    Bir bilgisayar sisteminde merkezi işlem birimine bağlı olarak etkileşimli iletişimde bulunan birimler bütünü
    İngilizce - İngilizce

    online teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

    Describes a system which is connected (generally electrically) to a larger network

    Örnek Cümle: Is this modem online?.

    Available on a computer system, even if not networked

    Örnek Cümle: Press the F1 key to access the online help.

    A system that is active

    Örnek Cümle: The power is online.

    connected to the internet

    Örnek Cümle: I'll be online tonight, so I'll be able to reply to your email.

    Available over the Internet

    Örnek Cümle: I prefer to read the online newspapers.

    Describes actions performed over the internet

    Örnek Cümle: He works online.

    Actions performed when you are connected to another computer
    You are connected to the internet
    Connected to a network or computer P Return to top
    The time during which your computer is actively connected to the World Wide Web
    A term that has commonly come to mean "connected to the Internet" It also is used to refer to materials stored on a computer (e g , an online newsletter) or to a device like a printer that is ready to accept commands from a computer
    Having access to the Internet Often people will say they are online meaning they have access to the Internet and have an e-mail address, but may not necessarily be connected to the Internet at that moment
    1 Residing on a computer <<I have NW and about 30 megabytes of the Society's literature online in II format >> 2 Connected by computers, especially by means of a network <<Thousands of brothers are able to carry on running dialogues by coming online via the Internet or BBSs >> 3 Metaphorically connected, with all faculties operating properly <<It takes a couple of cups of coffee in the morning for most pioneers to come completely online >>
    Online is the generally accepted term for being connected to the World Wide Web via the Internet When you connect to the Internet, you are online or live
    A computer connected to the Internet back to top
    The state of being connected to the Internet
    Relating to devices that are electronically connected to the Internet Generally an online device is treated as if it were an integral part of the Internet
    Pertaining to computer equipment connected to and interacting with a functioning computer system
    Connected to or accessible via a computer or computer network
    This term refers to being connected to the Internet You are online right now Often people will say they are online meaning they have access to the Internet and have an e-mail address, but may not necessarily be connected to the Internet at that moment
    Having access to the Internet You are online right now Often people will say they are online meaning they have access to the Internet and have an e-mail address, but may not necessarily be connected to the Internet at that moment
    being connected to another computer, presumably via phone line When you log onto your ISP for Internet access, you are online A computer that is active on a network can also be said to be online A printer can also be online; in this instance, it will accept datafrom its host computer
    You are connected by dial-up, DSL or cable to the Internet (Some companies may have more powerful connections )
    being connected to another computer or computer network
    Being connected to the Internet or another computer
    When you connect to the Internet, you are online
    Any activity undertaken while your computer is connected to another computer or network Most often used in connection with activities undertaken while connected to the Internet
    Being online means being connected to another computer, presumably via phone line When you log onto your ISP for Internet access, you are online When you log onto AOL you are also online A computer that is active on a network can also be said to be online Another meaning is the status of an Internet server: when online, its network connection is live, and authorized users can access its resources A printer can also be online; in this instance, it will accept data from its host computer
    If a company goes online, its services become available on the Internet. the first bank to go online. an online shopping centre. an online catalogue
    If you are online, your computer is connected to the Internet. Compare offline. You can chat to other people who are online. Online is also an adverb. the cool stuff you find online. on line: see line
    (Computers) connected, connected to another computer or to the Internet; available through the Internet {s}
    when you are connected to the Internet you are online
    Connected You are online if you are working on your computer while it is connected to another computer Your printer is online if it is connected to your computer and ready to accept data
    online public access catalog
    A computerized online publicly accessible catalog of the materials held in a library, or library system
    online dating agency
    A Net dating service, also known as online dating or Internet dating, is an example of a dating system and allows individuals, couples and groups to meet online and possibly develop a romantic or sexual relationship. Net dating services provide un-moderated matchmaking through the use of personal computers, the Internet, or even cell phones
    online scam
    (Bilgisayar) Internet fraud
    Online banking
    {i} Internet banking, banking available through the Internet
    online analytic processing
    (Ticaret) (OLAP) Tools and methods that extract and perform multidimensional data analysis and enable a variety of views, such as rotation, summarization and trend analysis
    online analytical processing
    category of software programs designed to enable many types of analyses of data stored in a database, OLAP (Computers)
    online auction
    a type of website in which you can sell things to the person who offers you the highest price
    online banking
    Internet banking a service provided by banks so that people can find out information about their bank account, pay bills etc using the Internet
    online casino
    {i} virtual casino which allows gamblers to play and bet on casino games through the Internet
    online community
    {i} virtual community, group of people who share a common interest and correspond and communicates through the Internet and see themselves as a definite group
    online dictionary
    {i} dictionary available through the Internet
    online help
    available help, user help documents which can be displayed while working in a program
    online information service
    service which enables access to information banks and additional information by a connection through a computer and modem
    online search
    {i} search which is carried out on the Internet, search using WWW
    online service
    service which enables access to information banks and additional information by a connection through a computer and modem
    online shopping
    e-shopping, electronic shopping; shopping done through the Internet; shopping available through the Internet
    online training
    - Same as online learning , only it implies the professional or corporate level
    online training
    Training programs in which employees "attend" classes via the Internet
    online training
    Online tutorials, courses, and general training materials that can be used on the Internet
    online transaction processing
    category of software designed to manage data entry and retrieval tasks; method of real-time processing in which a computer immediately responds to the user's commands and actions, OLTP
    appear online
    To configure one's status in an instant messenger client as online
    come online
    To enter service or become active

    It will be some time before the new factory comes online, and until then we can't fulfill demand.

    come online
    To login to an internet communication system, such as an instant messenger, online game or forum

    Come online later; I want to talk to you.

    massively multiplayer online game
    A computer game in which a large number of players can simultaneously interact in a persistent world
    massively multiplayer online games
    plural form of massively multiplayer online game
    massively multiplayer online role-playing game
    An online computer role-playing game in which a large number of players can interact with one another
    massively multiplayer online role-playing games
    plural form of massively multiplayer online role-playing game
    personal online desktop
    a desktop environment that is accessible from the Internet
    personal online desktops
    plural form of personal online desktop
    {i} largest ISP in Germany which is a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom (provider of Internet, telephone and television broadcast services)
    Türkçe - İngilizce

    online teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

    online alışveriş
    (Bilgisayar) online shopping
    online bankacılık
    (Ticaret) online banking
    online gazete
    (Bilgisayar) newswire
    online işlem
    (Bilgisayar) online transaction
    online sözlük
    online dictionary
    online trafik
    online traffic
    online çeviri
    online translation
    (Bilgisayar) e-zine
    online alışveriş yapmak
    shop naked
    online bilgi değişimi
    (Havacılık) online data interchange
    online bilgi işlem
    online data processing
    online destek
    (Bilgisayar) on-line assistance
    online destek
    (Bilgisayar) online assistance
    online izleme
    online tracking
    online satın al
    online buy
    online testler ve teşhisler
    (Askeri) on-line tests and diagnostics
    Bilgi: Soru cevap sistemi açıldı..

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