Soru Tara Cevapla Giriş

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14.756.348 den fazla soru içinde arama yap.

Sorunu Tarat
Kitaptan resmini çek hemen cevaplansın.

Read the sentences and circle the correct options.

1. I enjoy / dislike playing tennis. It is fun.
2. My sister loves / hates science. It is her favorite lesson.
3. I like / don't like maths. Maths problems are really hard for me.
4. I hate / love drawing pictures. It is the best activity at school.
5. Jerry doesn't like / likes walking to school. It is far away from his house.
6. I like English, but I enjoy / hate German.
7. Sue dislikes/enjoys playing the guitar. It's a pleasure for her.
8. I like/hate Martin. He is a nice student.
9. I am good at singing songs, and I love / don't like music.
10. Everybody in my class likes science, but I love / dislike it. I'm bad at it.

love (çok sevmek)
I love English. (İngilizceyi çok severim.)
I love drawing pictures. (Resim çizmeyi çok severim.)
She loves learning German. (O, Almanca öğrenmeyi çok sever.)
like / enjoy (hoşlanmak, keyif almak)
I like reading books. (Kitap okumaktan hoşlanırım.)
I enjoy playing basketball. (Basketbol oynamaktan keyif alırım.)
Richard likes swimming. (Richard yüzmekten hoşlanır.)
don't like / doesn't like / dislike (hoşlanmamak)
I don't like solving problems. (Problem çözmekten hoşlanmam.)
He doesn't like singing. (O, şarkı söylemekten hoşlanmaz.)
I dislike playing volleyball. (Voleybol oynamaktan hoşlanmam.)
hate (nefret etmek)
I hate dancing. (Dans etmekten nefret ederim.)
Sandra hates doing experiments. (Sandra deney yapmaktan nefre
favorite (favori, en sevilen)
Maths is my favorite lesson. (Matematik en sevdiğim derstir.)

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2022-10-04 13:27:32

    Cevap :

    Read the sentences and circle the correct options.

    1. I enjoy / dislike playing tennis. It is fun.
    2. My sister loves / hates science. It is her favorite lesson.
    3. I like / don't like maths. Maths problems are really hard for me.
    4. I hate / love drawing pictures. It is the best activity at school.
    5. Jerry doesn't like / likes walking to school. It is far away from his house.
    6. I like English, but I enjoy / hate German.
    7. Sue dislikes/enjoys playing the guitar. It's a pleasure for her.
    8. I like/hate Martin. He is a nice student.
    9. I am good at singing songs, and I love / don't like music.
    10. Everybody in my class likes science, but I love / dislike it. I'm bad at it.

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