Soru Tara Cevapla Giriş

Cevap Ara?

14.756.348 den fazla soru içinde arama yap.

Sorunu Tarat
Kitaptan resmini çek hemen cevaplansın.

A. A reward for winning a contest or competition.

b. Being without anyone else.
c. To stop living, to pass away.
d. Someone who has unusual and impressive intelligence.
e. To go from one residence or location to another.
f. To bring up children.
g. To receive a diploma

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2022-12-14 06:21:55

    Cevap : a. A reward for winning a contest or competition. Award
    b. Being without anyone else. Forlorn
    c. To stop living, to pass away. Die
    d. Someone who has unusual and impressive intelligence. Celever, Genius
    e. To go from one residence or location to another. Move
    f. To bring up children. Raising
    g. To receive a diploma. Graduate

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