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Bride Stirs Controversy After Giving Friend ‘Unreasonable’ Wedding Day Task: ‘You Are Being Used’

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    • 2021-04-22 20:16:01

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    Bride stirs controversy after giving friend ‘unreasonable’ wedding day task: ‘You are being used’

    Emerald PellotThu, April 22, 2021, 9:59 PM


    A woman is upset her friend, who’s getting married, volunteered her to babysit everyone’s kids at the wedding. 

    She wanted to know if was OK to shut the bride down so she consulted Reddit’s “Am I the A******” forum. She works in pediatrics and loves kids, but her friends often take advantage of this. When she was asked to babysit the bride’s kids at the wedding it wasn’t an issue until she found out the bride expected her to watch every single guests’ kids. 

    “I dread going to an event and everyone just dumping their children on me just because they know I like kids,” the Reddit poster said. “My friend is getting married this fall and she asked if I could watch her kid during the wedding, I said yes because he would be two years old by that time, her kid liked me and he is just a chill kid overall. Last month my friend and a couple of others had lunch together to plan more of her wedding (I was at work and unable to attend). They decided that I should be okay with watching everyone else’s kids too. They decided to set up a daycare-like area at the venue where I would watch the kids.” 

    But the Reddit poster didn’t want to be saddled with all of the children. 

    “I told my friend that I would only watch her child,” the Reddit poster wrote. “That’s all I agreed to. She argued that since I work in pediatrics and I actually like kids, I should have no problem handling seven to 10 kids. I told her no, I only agreed to watch her child because it was her wedding. If the other parents were willing to pay me for watching their kids then I would be fine with it. But she said she didn’t want to make them pay for something that should be free. I kinda feel like one now because she said that two families aren’t coming because they were under the impression there would be free childcare at her wedding and she’s saying I ruined her wedding.” 

    Reddit users thought the bride’s request was unfair.

    “Tell her she is being unreasonable and you are skipping the wedding,” one user said. 

    “I would not go to that wedding and I’d tell her that you feel you are being used,” another wrote. 

    “This is not a friend,” someone added. 

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