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Language learning with netflix and youtube

Language learning with netflix and youtube sorusunun cevabı nedir?

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    • 2023-09-28 08:17:30

    Cevap :

    Learning a language with Netflix and YouTube can be a fun and effective way to improve your skills. Here are some tips:

    1. Choose shows and videos that you are interested in. This will make the learning process more enjoyable and motivating.
    2. Start with shows and videos that are at your level. If you are a beginner, start with shows and videos that use simple language and have subtitles in your native language. As you get better, you can start watching more challenging shows and videos.
    3. Use subtitles. Subtitles can help you to understand what is being said. You can turn on subtitles in the language you are learning, or in your native language.
    4. Pay attention to the dialogue. Try to focus on the dialogue between the characters. This will help you to learn new vocabulary and grammar.
    5. Repeat what you hear. This is a great way to practice your pronunciation and listening skills.
    6. Pause the video and look up unfamiliar words and phrases. This will help you to expand your vocabulary.
    7. Take breaks. Don't try to watch too many shows or videos at once. Take breaks to let the information sink in.

    Here are some additional tips for language learning with Netflix and YouTube:

    1. Find a language partner. You can practice speaking and listening with a language partner on Netflix or YouTube.
    2. Use other resources in addition to Netflix and YouTube. Netflix and YouTube can be great supplements to other language learning resources, such as textbooks and online courses.

    With a little effort, you can use Netflix and YouTube to learn a new language and achieve your language learning goals.

    Here are some specific examples of how you can use Netflix and YouTube to learn a language:

    1. Watch a show or video in the language you are learning with subtitles in your native language. Pay attention to the dialogue and try to identify any words or phrases that you don't know.
    2. Pause the video and look up unfamiliar words and phrases. You can use a dictionary or online translation service.
    3. Watch the same show or video again with subtitles in the language you are learning. This time, try to focus on understanding the dialogue without the help of the subtitles.
    4. Find a language partner on Netflix or YouTube. You can practice speaking and listening with your language partner by commenting on videos or sending each other messages.
    5. Join a Netflix or YouTube language learning group. There are many groups dedicated to language learning on both platforms. These groups can provide you with support and motivation, and you can also learn from other members of the group.

    Learning a language with Netflix and YouTube can be a fun and effective way to improve your skills. By following these tips, you can make the most of your Netflix and YouTube language learning experience.

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    • 2023-09-28 08:18:04

    Cevap : Language learning with Netflix and YouTube can be an effective and enjoyable way to improve your language skills. There are several extensions available that enhance the language learning experience while watching videos on these platforms.

    One popular extension is "Language Learning with Netflix" (LLN). It allows you to watch Netflix shows with dual subtitles, so you can see both the original language subtitles and the translated subtitles in your native language. This can help you understand the context and meaning of words and phrases while immersing yourself in the language. The extension also provides features such as word translation, hotkeys to move between subtitles, and the ability to save words in your personal dictionary.

    Another useful extension is "Language Learning with YouTube" (LLY). It is a combination of Language Learning with Netflix (LLN) and Language Learning with YouTube (LLY) made by the App For Language (AFL) team. This extension allows you to study new words and phrases from native speakers while watching popular TV series and videos on YouTube. It provides a must-have tool that makes language learning easier by eliminating the need to constantly use dictionaries.

    To use these extensions, you can follow these general steps:
    1. Install the appropriate extension (LLN for Netflix or LLY for YouTube) on your web browser.
    2. Open a Netflix or YouTube video that has subtitles available.
    3. If it's your first time using the extension, refresh the page so that the extension loads.
    4. Enjoy watching videos in the target language while utilizing the features provided by the extension, such as dual subtitles, word translations, and more.

    Please note that for better performance on Netflix, it is recommended to turn off the test mode by visiting the provided link.

    These language learning extensions can be valuable resources for learners, as they provide opportunities to practice listening comprehension, expand vocabulary, and learn from native speakers. They make the language learning process more interactive and enjoyable.

    Remember, language learning is a journey, and using these extensions as a supplement to other language learning methods can be beneficial. Happy learning!

    - [1]]( Language Learning with Netflix & YouTube-AFL
    - Language Learning with Netflix

    If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
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