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Spicy dishes are indian cuisine

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    İşte Cevaplar


    • 2023-04-25 07:34:43

    Cevap :

    Spicy dishes are ..... in indian cuisine
    A. visited
    B. cooked
    C. cleaned
    D. removed

    DESC: B. cooked. Spicy dishes are a significant feature of Indian cuisine, and they are cooked using a variety of herbs and spices, including cumin, turmeric, coriander, cardamom, and chili. Indian cuisine is known for its flavorful and aromatic dishes that make use of these spices to enhance the taste of the food.

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    • 2023-04-25 07:35:08

    Cevap :

    B. cooked

    Spicy dishes are a significant part of Indian cuisine. In fact, spices are used extensively in Indian cooking to add flavor and aroma to the dishes. Different regions of India have their own unique spice blends that are used in cooking to create delicious and flavorful dishes. From the use of red chili powder to green chilies, from cumin seeds to turmeric, and from ginger to garlic, there are many different spices that are commonly used in Indian cuisine to create a variety of dishes with varying levels of heat and flavor.

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